Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 266 - Thirty Seven Weeks Baby!

Week Thirty Seven was a big week for Chloe. She came to realize that Mama and Daddy can "disappear" at times. She had separation anxiety as soon as she figured that one out. That made it harder for Mama and Daddy to work at the business. Instead of socializing with everyone at Dream Dinners as she used to do, she became clingey and just wanted to be held only by either Mama and Daddy. Hopefully Baby Girl can grow out of this quickly.

Another big thing that happened this week was that Daddy needed to lower Chloe's crib mattress. Mama and Daddy knew it was time to do that when all Baby Girl wanted to do was lean over her crib once she pulled herself up. That is a scary sight for Mama and Daddy to see!

In talking news, some of Chloe's new words this week was, "Mama" and "Mum Mum," which Mama and Daddy say to Baby Girl when it's time to get her grub on. She's definitely on her way to being a chatty little girl.

Video Clip of Baby Girl saying, "Mama."

Baby Girl enjoying her lowered crib compliments of Daddy.

Chloe having a little separation anxiety moment.

Baby Girl at thirty seven weeks with her doll.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 265 - Mini Girls Night with Mini Girl

Mama attended a Mini Girls Night with her Mini Girl. As usual, Mama caught up with the ladies while Chloe stuffed her face with all sorts of yummies. After dinner was over, the ladies got a little cuddle time with Baby Girl. Another win win situation for everyone.

Mini Girls Night.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day 264 - Driving Mr. Peter

The roles have reversed for Miss Chloe and Mr. Peter. It use to be Peter pushing Chloe around in her walker, but now that Baby Girl is stronger she is driving Mr. Peter. Nice to know Chloe can return the favor.

In Ferber News, Baby Girl passed out for the night without any protest at all. Mama was so shocked when she put Chloe in her crib and Baby Girl didn't even cry. Hopefully this is a sign of what's to come nightly.

This way Chloe!

Close up of Chloe drivin Mr. Peter.

Baby Girl passed out without any protest.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Day 263 - High Five

Baby Girl's been working on the High Five concept for a while now. She finally got it! Check her out.

Video Clip of Baby Girl giving a high five.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day 262 - Spring Forward

Mama's ready for Spring. The weather has been so nice lately that Mama's pulled out Chloe's warm gear. Now Baby Girl is ready for some more fun in the sun!

When's Spring coming?

I'm ready..I gots my shades.


Is it here already?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day 261 - Fun in the Sun

Sunday couldn't have been a better day for Baby Girl to go outside and play. The weather was so nice that Mama made sure Chloe had some fun in the sun. The first outdoor excursion was a play date at the park with Mama's play group. Chloe had fun swinging and catching up with her friend Natalia while Mama caught up with Natalia's Mommy. After the play date, Chloe hit Memorial Park with the Le Family for a nice stroll. Mama wanted to check out Chloe's new lightweight stroller to see how it handled the outdoors and was happy to find out that it was a smooth and easy ride. By the end of the day, Chloe was so pooped that she protested less than a minute before passing out for the night.

Chloe checkin out what's under her.

Pure Joy.

Baby Girl feelin the wind in her hair.

Two mommies with their girls.

Natalia and Chloe checkin out their surroundings.

The Le Family going on a stroll around Memorial Park.

Baby Mama and Baby Girl in their UT inspired gear.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 260 - PVA Peops

Chloe had fun hanging with some PVA Peops with Mama today. She especially enjoyed getting her grub on at Lupe Tortillas. What a Mama's Girl!

Chloe and the Pyles.

Baby Girl hangin with some PVA peops.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 259 - Thirty Six Weeks Baby!

Chloe's thirty sixth week was a stressful one for the Phan household. This was the week that Mama decided to sleep train Baby Girl since she was waking up almost every hour to "snack" or to hang out with Mama and Daddy. At first, she protested as loud as she could but by the second night she realized that all the crying wasn't gonna get her anywhere. By the end of the week, Chloe was passing out after only two minutes or less of protesting thanks to the Ferber Method. Some milestones this week includes Chloe sprouting her second tooth and Baby Girl trying to walk with a little help. At least this time Chloe revealed her second tooth in a big grin instead of biting Mama's boobies. Baby's making some progress!

Baby's Second Tooth.

Chloe walking with Mama.

Baby Girl at thirty six weeks with her doll.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 258 - Walking With Mama

Chloe's been practicing her walking skills a lot these days. She's not really interested in learning to crawl and prefers to walk or stand. Mama and Daddy are wondering if she's gonna skip crawling and go straight to walking just like her Baby God Mama. Only time will tell!

Video Clip of Baby Girl walking with Mama's help.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 257 - Hey There!

Lately, all Chloe has been wanting to say is "Hey There." It's so cute cause it progressed from "Hey Jeres" to "Hey There." It's nice to see her work on her pronunciation of words. Good job Baby Girl!

Hey There?

Hey There!

Video Clip of Baby Girl saying, "Hey There."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Day 256 - Mohawk

Mama had to post these pics of Chloe. Her hair is getting so long that when you take the ponytail holder off, it looks like a Mohawk. Check it out!

Baby's First Mohawk.

Side profile of Chloe's Mohawk.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 255 - Stroll On

Mama took Baby Girl for a stroll around the neighborhood to reward her for being such a good trooper this past week with the sleep training. After a nice stroll around the hood, Chloe knocked out for the night with only one minute of protesting. Thanks to Mr. Ferber for getting Baby Girl into La La Land so quickly!

Mama and Baby Girl on their stroll.

Chloe passed out after only one minute!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day 254 - Ray of Light

So Mama was worried that the Ferber method would make Baby Girl mad, sad or grumpy in the mornings when she woke up. Before the sleep training, Chloe would wake up smiling, babbling and being cuddly. She was definitely Mama's girl! Mama was so relieved to find out none of this has changed. Chloe is still as sweet as can be. After two minutes of protesting on her third night of sleep training, she passed out for the night and woke up in a wonderful mood. Slowly Mama is seeing the Ray of Light and is in love with the Ferber Method.

Good Morning Sunshine!

Closeup of Chloe's beautiful morning smile.

Baby Girl checking out the ray of light.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 253 - Play Date

Chloe started her day with a visit with her friend Sabine. While the babies played, the Mamas caught up over breakfast and coffee. Everyone wins on these play dates!

In Ferber news, Chloe had a great second night of sleep training. She only cried for two whole minutes before passing out. Mama and Daddy were so shocked that she could pass out so quickly after such a short protest that Mama had to double check to make sure she was really asleep. Once again, they found a sleeping angel passed out in her crib.

Give me daps Sabine!

Now what?

Ferberized Again.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 252 - Ferberized

Chloe's sleep routine has been so off this past week. She was waking up around five to six times a night to "snack" on Mama's boobies. After some research, Mama figured out why she was waking up so much. They call it "reverse cycling, " which is common in breast fed babies with working Mamas. This happens when babies take the bottle only enough to get through the day, and then ask for the boob all night long. Poor babies are trying to make up for lost time with their Mamas. Even though it can sound sweet to think that a Baby is trying to bond with his Mama, in realization it was very exhausting. After a week of sleep deprivation, Mama decided to sleep train Baby Girl with Daddy's support. This is how the first night went down...

After Chloe's usual sleep routine consisting of bath and boobie, Baby Girl was placed in her crib awake instead of asleep. At first she smiled at Mama after her good night kiss, but as soon as the door was closed Chloe was kicking, screaming and crying to be held. She made sure Mama and Daddy knew she was not a happy camper. Mama and Daddy continued the Ferber Method by checking on Baby Girl with words of encouragement and gentle strokes on her tummy and back. After 30 minutes of protest, Baby Girl knocked out for the night. One second she was screaming and the next she was out. When Mama went to the nursery to check on Baby Girl, she found Chloe passed out face down. What a sight to be seen!

Guess who's been Ferberized?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 251 - Sweetest Thing

This year Valentine's was a bit different for the Phans. Instead of an intimate night alone, Mama and Daddy celebrated it with Baby Girl. Daddy surprised Baby Mama by buying Chloe a new dress and showing up at Mama's work with her in it. Daddy also made Mama her favorite, chocolate covered strawberries. This was the first year Mama had to share them and Mama didn't mind one bit. Thanks Baby Daddy for showing your girls some love!

Happy Valentine's Day?

Who's the sweetest thing ever?

Sweets for Daddy's Sweeties.

Chloe shows off her new shoes for V-day.

Do you like 'em?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 250 - Thirty Five Weeks Baby!

Chloe made many milestones on her thirty fifth week. She learned to pull herself up, balance on one hand while holding herself up and cry on demand. The funniest thing for Mama and Daddy is when Baby Girl cried crocodile tears for her new favorite treat, the teething biscuit.

As for her crawling update this week, Baby Girl still seems to not be as interested in this skill as she is in standing or walking. Mama and Daddy still wonder if she will be skipping this. We'll see as the weeks progress.

Video clip of Baby Girl rocking.

Video clip of Chloe crying on demand.

I can pull myself up!

One hand?

Chloe at thirty five weeks with her doll.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 249 - Pull Ups

Chloe surprised Mama today by pulling herself up. Mama sat Chloe down in her crib so she could reach for a diaper to change her and when she turned around, low and behold there was a Baby standing up smiling at her. At first Mama thought she must have put Baby Girl in a standing position in the crib, but then she quickly remembered she sat her down next to her favorite crib music toy to play with. Just to make sure this wasn't Mama's bad, she put Baby Girl in her bed to test her on pull ups. Chloe showed Mama her new skills by pulling up over and over again while watching her favorite TV show, Super Why.

Let me show Mama what I gots! favorite show is on!

I love Super Why!

Video Clip of Baby Girl pulling up.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 248 - Teething Biscuits

Chloe has a new love, and of course it has something to do with food. Now that she's cutting teeth all she wants to do is gnaw on stuff so Mama bought her some teething biscuits to distract her from the pain. Baby Girl is lovin the biscuits so much that all she wants to do is just eat them quietly in peace. Thanks biscuits for giving Mama and Daddy some down time.

I love biscuits.

How much do I have left?

Hmmm...What now?