Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 18, 2008


Poor Baby Girl experienced her first real traumatization today. Mama thought it would be a great idea to bring Chloe to reunite with the Doctor Lady that delivered her, but after an hour in the waiting room Mama realized this might not have been such a good idea afer all. After a little bit of squirming, playing and toddling around...both Mama and Chloe went to see the Doctor Lady for Mama's yearly checkup. At first, Baby Girl seemed fine walking around and exploring...but as soon as the Doctor Lady pulled out the necessary utensils, Baby Girl proceeded to wail and shed some major tears. Mama questions if the tears were some form of sympathy for Mama or a fear for Baby Girl that those tools might be used on her. Either way, Chloe was definitely traumatized!

This is boring!

Let me see if I can bust out of this place!

I know! I can push my way outta here!

Do we really have to go through with this Mama?

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