Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun in the Sun

The weather was so nice today that Mama and Auntie Phuong decided to take the kiddoes to the park for some fun in the sun. The kids had a blast catching up and playing together outside. After a little park time, Mama and Daddy took Chloe to her first Rodeo and Carnival experience. Baby Girl loved all the animals, rides and games. Mama and Daddy can't wait to take her again next year!

How do we work this Mama?

Peter...what do we do now?

Auntie Phuong and Cousin Peter.

Baby Girl gettin her swing on!

Cousin Peter enjoyin the ride!

The cousins swingin together.

The family's first park and ride.

Daddy and Chloe at the petting zoo.

So many little time!
What's goin on here?

Can I get in and play?

Mama and Chloe petting the baby pig.

Chloe checkin out a chillin goat.

And she goes for it!

Someone loves them some Chloe!

The family checks out the pony rides.

Am I tall enough to ride it yet?

The family's first carnival.

Chloe shows Daddy the slide she wants to conquer.

Mama gets nervous as her babies head up.

And they're off!

Mama and Chloe checkin out the scenery.

Daddy havin some b-ball fun with Chloe.

1 comment:

anna said...

It looks like you guys had fun!!