Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

24 Months

Choe is now 24 months! Mama and Daddy love her bubbly personality and thirst for knowledge. She's really inquisitive about her surroundings and is able to learn about new things quickly. Her newest words this month are zoo, elephant, monkey, finish, swim, pool, rice, noodle, water, shirt, glasses, sleeping, hiccup, oopsie, fireworks, leggo, play-doh, medicine, stuck, candle, blow, swimming, float and cereal. She's also learned some two worded phrases like Hello Kitty, french fries, much better, come on, that one, that way, and clean up. Her newest Vietnamese words are rice, good girl and sit down. Mama and Daddy still can't believe they now have a two year old. How does the time go by so quickly?

Chloe at 24 months.

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