Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 9, 2008

Day 336 - Forty Seven Weeks Baby!

Week forty seven was a busy one for Baby Girl. She moved from one home to another. Amongst all that excitement, Chloe was still able to learn some new stuff. The cutest thing that Mama can't get enough of is the fact that Baby Girl started dancing to music. What's even better is that she can dance on command in Vietnamese or English! And if that wasn't cute enough, she learned how to wink at everyone from watching her Nanny Juanita. What made Mommy really happy this week was that Chloe's hair was finally long enough to be put into two pigtails! Now Mama has options with Baby Girl's hairstyles. Another big thing that Chloe did this week was learn how to balance herself on two feet. It's wonderful to see that she can stand for a little bit by herself before plopping over. And finally, the new thing that scared Mama the most was Chloe learning how to pull the night light out of it's plug. Now Mama and Daddy have to make sure it's put away until night time so that Baby Girl doesn't play with the outlets.

Chloe standing by herself!

Baby Girl showing her new dancing skills.

Chloe winking at Mama.

Baby Girl's new do at eleven months.

Chloe trying to pull out the night light.

Baby Girl at forty seven weeks with her doll.

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