Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Day 114 - The Giggles

For some reason Chloe couldn't stop laughing all day. It was fun seeing her giggle with joy over the little things.

Laughing Ladies.

Baby Girl crackin up.

Video of Chloe laughin at Cousin Katie.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day 113 - Got Milkshake?

Mama and Daddy took Chloe to 59 Diner to experience her first milkshake. Too bad she can't taste it yet!

Daddy's Girls.

Little Lady showing off her dress.

That's funny!

The Phans at 59 Diner.

Baby's First Milkshake.


Too much milkshake for Baby Girl.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 112 - Nightgown

Now that Chloe can turn over Mama and Daddy have stopped swaddling her at night. Our Baby Girl has moved on to night gowns. Check out our little girl!

Grandma Le showing off Chloe's nightgown.

Chloe enjoyin her new look

I'm a big girl now!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 111 - Dream Dinners

Chloe hung out with some of Mama and Daddy's friends at a regular session today. They couldn't believe how big our Baby Girl is getting.

Ly taking a break from her session
to take a quick pic with Chloe.

Daniel, Baby Mama and Chloe.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 110 - Binkie Blues

It's been a tough transition for both Chloe and Daddy now that Mama's back at work. After weeks of continuous crying Baby Daddy broke down and bought our Baby Girl a pacifier. We think all of the crying this past week has to do with her teething. She seems to be drooling nonstop these days and knawing on everything she gets her hands on. Also, the small fever doesn't help. Poor baby!

Chloe with her first binkie.

Notice the "I Love Daddy" on the binkie.

Baby Girl holdin her teething ring.

Chloe goin to town.

That felt good!

Chloe holding her binkie.

Is this how I work this thing?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 109 - Get Your Swing On

Mama and Daddy had to adjust Chloe's swing to accomodate all her changes. Now that Baby Girl can turn over she has to swing with her seat belt and bar on. She's also swinging upright now so she can see the world in a new view!

Chloe enjoyin her new view.

Baby Girl checkin out her new toys.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 108 - Ribbons and Bows

Baby Mama's been waiting for Chloe to grow some hair so she can put ribbons and bows on it. Now that her hair has grown in Chloe can finally display all of her hair goodies. Thanks Auntie Kimmie for her first barretts.

Check out her barrett!

Closeup of bow.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day 107 - Fifteen Weeks Baby!

Fifteen Weeks was a big one for Chloe. She learned how to turn on her own. Mama and Daddy are scared now that she's mobile!

Chloe mid turn.

Baby Girl passed out by her Cabbage Patch Kid.

Chloe in her Jumperoo.

Baby Girl knawing on her Jumperoo.

Chloe checkin out the bird.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 106 - Tenth Play Date

Chloe had a busy day today. She hung out with her gal pal Sabine and went to the Museum of Natural Science with her cousins. That's a lot of activity for a Baby Girl!

Sabine and Chloe holding hands.

Is this my knee or yours?

Baby Mama and Kim with their sweet little girls.

Chloe's first visit to the Museum of Natural Science.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 105 - Date Night

Mama and Daddy had a date night thanks to Auntie Kimmie. It's nice to have babysitters so close by!

Don't go Mommy and Daddy!

It's okay Chloe..Auntie Kimmie's here!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 104 - Bumbo Chair

Now that Chloe's 3 months old she can finally sit in her Bumbo Chair. Here are some pics of her getting to know her new chair.

Baby Daddy and Chloe.

Baby Girl enjoyin her new chair.

Chillin Baby Girl.

How do I get out of here?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 103 - Dream Dinners

September has been a busy month for the Phans. We've practically lived at Dream Dinners with all the private parties we're hosting. Chloe is becoming one Social Butterfly.

The Phans

Chloe with Susan, Baby Mama, Lisa and Lauren.

Chloe hangin out in her Baby Bjorn.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 102 - Beach Ball

Mama came home today with a beach ball Chloe size compliments of her work place. Chloe couldn't get enough of the bouncing ball.

Chloe chillin with her beach ball.

Hey..that's my ball!

Cousin Peter showing off his mad skills.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 101 - Fourteen Weeks Baby!

Week Fourteen has been a fun week for the Phan household. Our Baby Girl has learned to respond to our sillyness with giggles. She's also found her hands. It's fun to see her try to stuff her whole hand in her mouth.

Chloe mid giggle.

Baby Girl showing off her new hand moves.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 100 - Brunch a la Jenny

Chloe and her cousins hung out with Jenny today for brunch. Thanks Jenny for making a lovely meal and entertaining the Cousins.


I need some space Peter.

The Cousins.

Mama's number one!

Peter checking out what's on the menu.

Jenny, Baby Mama and Chloe.