Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Little Drummer Girl

Baby Girl showed off her new drumming skills today over Dim Sum. She had a blast tapping her chopsticks on the table while checking out her surroundings. Mama's hoping she has a Baby Mozart on her hands!

Cousin Katie and Chloe.



Video Clip of the Little Drummer Girl.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Little Swimmers

The Cousins had another pool play date today. They had a blast hanging with Cousin Katie in the cold waters post Ike. After a little play time in the pool, the kiddoes played with Cousin Katie's Barbie tricycle that she gave to Baby Girl. It was too cute seeing all three push each other around one by one!

The Cousins getting ready to swim.

Katie and the two babies.

Everyone having a good 'ole time.

Chloe showing off her new ride compliments of Katie.

Baby Girl all smiles.

Cousin Peter pushing Chloe around.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Daddy's Little Helper

Mama came home to a big 'ole mess today. Good thing Mama can look past it and see what a special moment it was for Daddy and Chloe. Baby Girl wanted to be just like Daddy so bad that she tried her best to help Daddy put together his new computer. Check out Daddy's little helper!

How can I help Daddy?

Like this?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Getting Some Fresh Air

After a week of being cooped up in the house, Mama decided to take the cousins out for some fresh air. The kids had a blast playing on the swingset and slide. They both loved it so much that they protested with cries when it was time to go.

The two cousinz enjoyin the fresh air.

Baby Girl chillin on the swing.

Cousin Peter enjoyin the swing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Damages Post Ike

Mama wanted to make sure she posted pictures of some of the damage that Ike made to the home and business. Check them out!

The two cousins taking over the dining table.

Anna and her electronic stuff.

Baby Girl cheesin it up even with all the damages.

Roof leakage at Dream Dinners.

Notice the big hole in the ceiling.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Mama and Daddy were so happy to get electricity back so soon! Uncle Giang and Aunt Kerina had so many people at their place that everyone was packed like sardines! Once the electricity came back on at home, Mama and Daddy had some Phan Clan members over since they were still without power. Once again, Chloe thought it was another slumber party!

The two cousins.

Cousin Katie, Aunt Kimmie and Baby Girl.

Second Cousin Linh at his best.

DJ Chloe.

Baby Girl having a late night snack.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby's First Hurricane

Chloe survived her first hurricane! Mama and Daddy are so proud of how she handled Ike. The only thing that scared her was the banging of the trees against the windows. Mama was just as scared but Mama pulled herself together for Baby Girl. Once the hurricane passed through the Phans went to Uncle Giang's place to stay since the electricity was out. Overall, Chloe thought the hurricane experience was one big slumber party!

Check out my flashlight!

This is cool!

The Phans at Uncle Giang's place.

Aunt Kerina, Cousin Cathie and Chloe.

Daddy and Cousin Peter.

Auntie Phuong and Uncle Giang.

Friday, September 12, 2008

China Doll

Chloe got another trim from her Nanny Juanita. This time, it was a little bit more than Mama would have liked. Due to Baby Girl squirming around more than the usual, a new look came about...the China Doll Do or as Mama calls it the Bowl Haircut. Check her out!

Baby Girl showin off her new China Doll Look.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ladies that Lunch

Sabine and her Mommy came over today to have a lunch play date Chloe and Mama. The girls had a good time eating Mac 'n Cheese and watermelon while the Mamas caught up over lunch as well. Overall, it was a nice and pleasant cry-free play date that Mamas only dreams about.

Sabine and Chloe gettin ready to get their grub on.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Latest and Greatest

It's been a while since Mama's posted an update on Chloe. What's the latest and greatest on Baby Girl? A LOT! Mama and Daddy are loving how much personality she has these days. It's like she's a mini-lady running about. Here are her new tricks in no particular order...moving her head side to side when she wants to say "no" to something, running or pointing to the fridge when she wants her milk, and raising the roof with her hands when she likes a song. What a personality a little girl can have!


Got milk?!?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School!

Today was a really hard day for Mama. Mama had to drop Chloe off for her first day of school at Footsteps at the West University Church. Even though Mama and Daddy realize that this is better for Baby Girl to socialize with other toddlers and to learn from her teachers, it was still a very emotional day. Chloe cried her little heart out as soon Mama stepped out of the room and left her with the new surroundings. After 10 minutes of crying, Baby Girl played hard for the rest of the day. This is only the beginning of Chloe becoming her own little person.

Picture of Footsteps School.

Chloe's classroom..the Baby Ducks!

Chloe on her first day at school.

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Labor Day

Chloe celebrated her first Labor Day today with the family. The first thing Mama did was take Baby Girl to the Zoo with her cousins. She had a blast checking out the animals and snacking at the Zoo cafe. After her Zoo trip, Chloe had her first Labor Day pool party and BBQ with the family. Baby Girl ate some of her Auntie Kimmie's finger-licking BBQ food and showed off her new ball tossing skills at the pool. By the end of the day, Chloe was so pooped from partying that she passed out at seven without a peep!

The LePhan girls at the zoo.

Mama and Baby Girl.

Peter chillin in his stroller.

Grandma Le and Chloe checkin out the elephants.

Mama puts the family to work!

The Phans and The Nguyens.

The Chef of the Day!

Grandma Le and Baby Girl.

The Le Family.

Video Clip of Chloe tossing the ball with Daddy.