Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 358 - Surprises

Chloe had a big day of surprises. First, she got to spend some time with Uncle Giang. That's extra special since he's always working at the pharmacy these days being a manager and all. Whatever little time he can spend with Chloe makes her giggle with joy.

After a nice day with Uncle Giang and Grandma Le, Baby Girl came home to an even bigger surprise. She got her first birthday present from her God Daddy! As soon as Daddy put the buggy together, the family went out on a ride with Chloe. What a nice way to end the day!

Baby Girl with Grandma Le
and Uncle Giang.

For me?

Let's see what this does when I pull it.

Whatcha doin Daddy?

This is scary!

This is fun!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 357 - Another Play Date

Mama took Chloe over to visit her friend Sabine on her day off from Dream Dinners. It's always fun for Mama to catch up with Sabine's Mommy while the kiddoes play. A little adult conversation doesn't hurt anyone!

Chloe...check out my new camera!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 356 - Fifty Weeks Baby!

Chloe became a little more independent on her week fifty. Mama and Daddy are so happy that she learned how to slide off the couch by herself this week. That means that she can go from point A to point B either by crawling, cruising or talking little baby steps all by herself! Now Mama and Daddy can have a little downtime when she wants to be mobile.

Another skill that Baby Girl learned this week was to point to what she wants. It's wonderful because the guessing game of what Chloe wants got much simpler!

Video clip of Chloe sliding off the couch.

Video clip of Baby Girl pointing.

Baby Girl at fifty weeks with her doll.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 355 - Mad Skills

Chloe keeps on impressing Mama and Daddy with all of her flexibility. Mama can't help but hope that Baby Girl will one day be a cheerleader just like Mama was since she is so limber. Chloes's upgraded to using a step stool for her downward dog position. Check out her mad yoga skills today.

Who's coming?

I guess I can practice my
downward dog position.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 354 - Bubbles

Mama let Chloe play with the bubbles today to help her prep for her upcoming first birthday party. As usual, Baby Girl was all smiles and giggles as soon as she figured out how fun the bubbles could be!

What is that?


Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 353- Olympic Training

Daddy was so proud of his Baby Girl today. He loved the fact that she trusts him so much that she would jump off the ledge into his arms without flinching. Mama on the other hand was holding her breathe each time Chloe would jump and couldn't help but sigh everytime Daddy caught her. Check out Baby Girl's new diving skills.

Video clip of Olympic diving in training.

Chloe goin for the lift.

Daddy asking Chloe to go for it.

I think I'll stay Daddy!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 352 - Baby Yoga

Out of no where, Chloe started doing some yoga positions and they just cracked Mama up. Mama can't help but think that all the pre-natal yoga she did when Baby Girl was in her belly helped Chloe be this limber!

In other news, Daddy took his girls to get some Dim Sum today and as usual Baby Girl was a perfect angel. She amuzed herself by eating greens while Mama and Daddy chowed down. What a great girl for starting on her greens so early!
Downward Dog.

Is that a beginning of a summersault?

This is yummy!

And so chewy too!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day 351 - Another Pool Adventure

Chloe's Cousin Katie and Auntie Kimmie came over today to watch Baby Girl so Mama and Daddy could have a night out on the town with some friends. Cousin Katie was so anxious to hang with Chloe that they came a little earlier than expected. Since Mama and Daddy had some time before their date night, the Phans decided to take a swim with the family before heading out. Mama and Daddy were impressed by Katie's swimming skills and were so happy to see the cousins get along. This is only the beginning of the many cousin adventures!

The Phans.

The cousins enjoyin the pool.

Two cutie patooties.

Baby Girl's feet after the swim.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 350 - Forty Nine Weeks Baby!

Baby Girl learned a lot this week. On her forty ninth week she took her first steps! Granted they were little, but at least she took the leap of faith and stepped out on her own! She's still a little camera shy with this skill so Mama doesn't have a video to show her new stepping skills.

Some of Chloe's other new tricks she learned this week includes her waving no more in sign language and climbing up a flight of stairs all by herself! Mama loves to see Baby Girl's little hands wave no more when she's done with eating or drinking. And Daddy loves to see Chloe go up three flights of stairs and tire herself right before bed!

Last but not leastly, Baby Girl is so over pureed baby food. She's been nibbling on table food but this week she decided she was too much of a big girl to stand it anymore. These days she loves Mac N Cheese, Hot Dogs, Mangos, Corn on cobs, Eggo Waffles and Cheese. Yet another thing Mama and Baby Girl have in common!

Video clip of Baby Girl
climbing up some stairs.

Chloe waving "No More" after grubbing.

Chloe at forty nine weeks with her doll.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 349 - Mini Tupperware

Chloe's new favorite toy is her mini tupperware. Mama couldn't help but get these for Baby Girl since they were so tiny just like her! Daddy thinks it's a waste of money, but Mama couldn't disagree more. Everyday Chloe likes to stack them, toss them and pretend like she's drinking from them. Check her out!
Is this really for me?

I can balance it on one hand!

Just my size!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 348 - Baby Loves Water

Time and time again Chloe shows how much she loves the water. She went to the pool today with Mama, Daddy and her Cousins. She loved showing off her water skills to everyone at the pool.

This way Daddy!

Where you takin me Mama?


The Cousins enjoyin the water.

This isn't so bad!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day 347 - Daddy's New Toy

Now that the Phan family are bit more settled in the new home, Mama and Daddy sprucing it up a little bit with some new gadgets. The newest addition to the household is a flat screen TV that Daddy's been wanting for a while. With that TV, comes a new stand and keyboard since Daddy hooked up the home computer to the TV for everyone to enjoy. Check out the new home improvements compliments of Daddy!

Whatcha doin Daddy?

So that goes in there?

Daddy enjoyin his power tools.

Good job Daddy!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 346 - First Steps!

Baby Girl took the leap and took her first steps today! That's right! She finally got over her fear and went for it. Too bad her first steps were with Nanny Juanita, but at least she showed Mama and Daddy her new skills right afterwards! Mama will post a video of baby's first steps as soon as she stops being camera shy about this new skill!

I took my first steps!

I'm pooped!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day 345 - Workin' It

The Phans worked the Baby Faire this weekend and Baby Girl was a hit with all the booth visitors. Chloe worked her charm on all the Moms and Moms-To-Be out there. Good to know that Mama and Daddy's mascot can work it like that!

The Phans working the Baby Faire.

Grandma Le taking Baby Girl on a tour.

Chloe meets Elmo.

Baby Girl competes in the Baby Derby.

And she's off...

Poor baby is goin the wrong direction!

Look Mommy and Daddy...I win!

Wait a minute...why are you guys going that way?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 344 - Vincent's 2nd Birthday

Mama took Chloe to her friend Vincent's 2nd birthday party today while Daddy worked for Dream Dinners at the Baby Faire. Baby Girl had fun eating some BBQ, splashing in the water and catching up with her friend. When it was time for cake, Baby Girl loved it so much that she asked for seconds! That's Mama's Girl!

The Jumalon Family.

What's up birthday boy?

Mama and Baby Girl.

Chloe runnin the show at the birthday party.

The Jumalons celebrating Vincent's 2nd birthday.