Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 350 - Forty Nine Weeks Baby!

Baby Girl learned a lot this week. On her forty ninth week she took her first steps! Granted they were little, but at least she took the leap of faith and stepped out on her own! She's still a little camera shy with this skill so Mama doesn't have a video to show her new stepping skills.

Some of Chloe's other new tricks she learned this week includes her waving no more in sign language and climbing up a flight of stairs all by herself! Mama loves to see Baby Girl's little hands wave no more when she's done with eating or drinking. And Daddy loves to see Chloe go up three flights of stairs and tire herself right before bed!

Last but not leastly, Baby Girl is so over pureed baby food. She's been nibbling on table food but this week she decided she was too much of a big girl to stand it anymore. These days she loves Mac N Cheese, Hot Dogs, Mangos, Corn on cobs, Eggo Waffles and Cheese. Yet another thing Mama and Baby Girl have in common!

Video clip of Baby Girl
climbing up some stairs.

Chloe waving "No More" after grubbing.

Chloe at forty nine weeks with her doll.

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