Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008


This year the weather was perfect for Halloween. The air was cool enough to walk around the neighborhood without sweating. Mama and Auntie Phuong took advantage of the weather by taking the kids Trick or Treating right after some playtime at McDonald's. The kids had so much fun that they didn't even want to head home!

The cousins playing at McDonald's.

Do we have to go?

Where you takin me Mama?

Auntie Phuong and Cousin Peter.

Cousin Cathie and her friend CiCi.

Trick or Treat!

I'm ready to eat my candy.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk Or Treat

Mama was excited to spend the morning with Baby Girl at her school for a Halloween bash called Trunk or Treat. The kiddoes got to dress up, decorate pumpkins and beg for candy from some of the parents right out of the trunk of their cars! Mama had a blast playing hookie from Dream Dinners and having some Mommy/Daughter time with Chloe.

After the Trunk or Treat Party, the LePhan family went to listen to Cousin Cathie play her violin with her middle school symphony at Lamar High School. Once the concert was done, the family went to James Coney Island to celebrate. The kiddoes enjoyed playing with straws and mini-cups while the adults ate. What a yummy way to end the night!

I need a little touchup.

Is this how you put on blush Mama?

How do I look?

Chloe guarding her little house.

Baby Girl's friend Sophia dressed up as Dorothy.

Twin I - King Kong.

Twin II - Godzilla.

Luke Skywalker...and his real name is Luke!

The kids snacking on some jello and cookies.

Baby Girl checking out the little witch.

Class Halloween picture...notice the crying Chloe!

Mama and Baby Girl Trunk or Treating.

Cathie's Concert at Lamar High School.

Mama and Chloe enjoying Cathie's concert.

Auntie Phuong, Grandma Le and the Cousins.

Auntie Phuong and Baby Girl.

The Cousins enjoyin a ride in Peter's stroller.

Cousin Cathie after her concert at Lamar.

The Le Family celebrating Cathie's concert.

The kids playin around at James Coney Island.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

16 Months

Mama and Daddy are loving Baby Girl these days. She's becoming such a little personality at 16 months. Lately she's been picking up Vietnamese and English words like crazy. Some of her new words include ball, cheese and change diaper (in Vietnamese). She's also learned to mimic her Cousin Peter when he's counting or saying his ABCs. It's so cute when Peter says a number like nine and Baby Girl repeats right after him!

Chloe's also got a new bag of tricks at 16 months! Now when she wants her milk, she not only says it in Vietnamese, she also signs it by squeezing her tiny little hands together! She's also learned to be tiny a gymnast. Her favorite new skill is climbing over Mama's legs when she lays them on the coffee table.

These days Mama can't get enough of how she smiles on demand when the camera comes out or when someone says "cheese." Daddy loves her dare-devil ways when she asks him to bodyslam her or give her a "helicopter" ride. It's safe to say Chloe is a little bit of a girley girl with an edge!

America's Next Top Model?

Cheese on demand.

All smiles at 16 months.

Choe showing off her 12 teeth off.

Video Clip of Chloe saying the word "ball."

Video Clip of Baby Girl saying "cheese" and smiling.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

First Pumpkin Patch Outting

Chloe had her first outting to a pumpkin patch at St. Luke's Church today with her cousins Peter, Cathie and Katie. The kids had a blast playing around the fields while Mama and Auntie Phuong ran after them. To everyone's surprise, Cousin Peter showed off his hercules skills by pulling Chloe and Cousin Katie around the pumpkin patch on a wagon. Baby Girl thought it was so cool that she tried to do it herself. Too bad, she couldn't pull anything but the wagon itself!

Chloe's first pumpkin patch experience.

Mama and Baby Girl checkin out the pumpkins.

Auntie Phuong and Cousin Peter.

Katie and Chloe.

Cousin Peter surprising everyone with his own strength!

Baby Girl and Katie enjoyin the ride.

Video Clip of Peter giving Chloe a ride on the wagon.

What to do now?

I know! I can be just like Peter!

Cathie...wanna ride?

What else can I do with these Pumpkins?

I know! Take them for rides too!

Cousin Peter chillin with the pumpkins.

See you next year!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just Playin Around

Mama and Auntie Phuong took the cousins to Memorial City Mall today for some play time at the kiddie area. Mama was a little nervous letting Chloe run wild amongst the bid kids, but once Baby Girl showed she was as tough as the older ones Mama couldn't be prouder! At first Chloe just wanted to go up and down the stairs, but after a little hoaxing from Mama Baby Girl decided to go down the swing for the first time by herself. Once she figured out that it was fun, she kept on asking to do it again and again!

Chloe headin up some steps.

Mama and Baby Girl.

Chloe getting ready to do her first slide by herself!

Cousin Peter and Auntie Phuong.

I'm a Big Girl!

This bubble is cool!

Cousin Cathie and Auntie Phuong.