Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just Playin Around

Mama and Auntie Phuong took the cousins to Memorial City Mall today for some play time at the kiddie area. Mama was a little nervous letting Chloe run wild amongst the bid kids, but once Baby Girl showed she was as tough as the older ones Mama couldn't be prouder! At first Chloe just wanted to go up and down the stairs, but after a little hoaxing from Mama Baby Girl decided to go down the swing for the first time by herself. Once she figured out that it was fun, she kept on asking to do it again and again!

Chloe headin up some steps.

Mama and Baby Girl.

Chloe getting ready to do her first slide by herself!

Cousin Peter and Auntie Phuong.

I'm a Big Girl!

This bubble is cool!

Cousin Cathie and Auntie Phuong.

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