Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 1, 2008

First Labor Day

Chloe celebrated her first Labor Day today with the family. The first thing Mama did was take Baby Girl to the Zoo with her cousins. She had a blast checking out the animals and snacking at the Zoo cafe. After her Zoo trip, Chloe had her first Labor Day pool party and BBQ with the family. Baby Girl ate some of her Auntie Kimmie's finger-licking BBQ food and showed off her new ball tossing skills at the pool. By the end of the day, Chloe was so pooped from partying that she passed out at seven without a peep!

The LePhan girls at the zoo.

Mama and Baby Girl.

Peter chillin in his stroller.

Grandma Le and Chloe checkin out the elephants.

Mama puts the family to work!

The Phans and The Nguyens.

The Chef of the Day!

Grandma Le and Baby Girl.

The Le Family.

Video Clip of Chloe tossing the ball with Daddy.

1 comment:

anna said...

why is Linh so far in the back?