Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009

22 Months

As usual, Baby Girl was soaking up the new words Mama and Daddy threw at her at 22 months. Some of her newbies are strawberry, purse, bag, milk, big, doggie, bike, bucket, sit, eat, off, wheel, picture, hurt, sing, out, hug, trash, sun, mat, pickle, chicken, funny and moon. Chloe's newest family and friend names that she's learned are Jonathan, Angel, Peter, and Honey. She can also say Grandpa Phan, Grandpa Le, shirt, bird, light and love you in Vietnamese. One of her newest tricks this month is putting two or more words together to describe things. Baby Girl can now say Let's Go, Big Doggie, Happy Face, Bumble Bee, Kitty Cat, Big Ball, Miss You, Poker Face, Bubble Tea, and Lady Bug. Some other new tricks this month include twisting tops back on, using keys to open car doors, saying sorry and counting from 1-10 completely. Some other new tricks she learned this month are climbing ladders and going up the stairs without using her hands. And the biggest accomplishment that Baby Girl did this month was learn to say that she is two years old in both Vietnamese and English!

Chloe climbing the ladder at 22 months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BABY..I got a HEALLEN and a HEALLAN that's a BACON LOVE.
And it's got a JONES 9 with a BUNN- BUNN 5, that's got a MASTESPANKER 69....and it's buzzin' by and bye....
Can you help me with my "DI"?
Can you help me with my "DI"?
Can you help me with my "DI"?
I need you, .........................RY.