Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ethan's 1st Birthday

This weekend seemed to be a full one with all the birthday parties the Phans were invited to. Yesterday was Andrew's 1st Birthday Party and today is Ethan's 1st Birthday Party at the Children's Museum. Everyone gathered in the private party room to enjoy some yummy food and sweet treats with the birthday boy. Once the food was devoured by all, the kids were set loose to play in the museum. All the newbies went on a tour while Chloe played in the toddler room. Baby Girl had such a blast today that it took some persuading to get her home!

Ethan's Elmo cake.

Ethan and his Daddy Clint.

The Phans.

Ethan with his Grandma and Uncles.

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Baby Girl enjoying her Elmo cupcake.

Time to explore!

Chloe and Daddy checking out the telescope.

Daddy pulling Chloe around.

Do you want a ride Daddy?

Baby Girl checking out the colors.

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