Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Day 249 - Pull Ups

Chloe surprised Mama today by pulling herself up. Mama sat Chloe down in her crib so she could reach for a diaper to change her and when she turned around, low and behold there was a Baby standing up smiling at her. At first Mama thought she must have put Baby Girl in a standing position in the crib, but then she quickly remembered she sat her down next to her favorite crib music toy to play with. Just to make sure this wasn't Mama's bad, she put Baby Girl in her bed to test her on pull ups. Chloe showed Mama her new skills by pulling up over and over again while watching her favorite TV show, Super Why.

Let me show Mama what I gots! favorite show is on!

I love Super Why!

Video Clip of Baby Girl pulling up.

1 comment:

janelle lynn photography said...

Wow!! She's turning into a little person. :-P