Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 268 - Busy Bee

Chloe was a busy bee today. She started the afternoon with a play date with her friend Sabine. After Mama and Baby caught up with the Lesniewicz Ladies, Chloe got some quality time with Daddy. Since the weather was cool outside, Daddy played with Baby Girl in the front yard. Chloe loved being tossed and cuddled by Daddy. Just when she thought her day couldn't get any better, Grandma Le came over and pushed Baby Girl around in her new Hippo Walker/Rider toy. Let's just say that by the end of the day, there wasn't any protest from Chloe when it was time to say night night.

We're both standing?

Can I have a little personal space please?


What now?

Push me Grandma!

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