Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Day 279 - Thirty Nine Weeks Baby!

Week Thirty Nine was a hard one for Baby Girl. She was sick with a fever, runny nose and the coughs. Mama and Daddy think it's a combination of her teething and being sick. Even through these tough times, Chloe was able to learn some new tricks. The first thing that Mama couldn't believe was that Baby Girl could wave Bye Bye in response to someone saying that to her. She loves to smile and wave one or sometimes even two hands when requested. Another thing that was a big accomplishment for Chloe was clapping on demand. Baby Girl's been clapping on her own for a month now, but for some reason she decided to clap when Mama and Daddy asks her to.

As for her words of the week, Chloe seemed to love "Na Na" as her new word. Other than that, she's finally understanding the meaning of some of her favorite words. She'll open her mouth or say "Mum Mum" when she's hungry and she'll say "Mama" or "Dada" when she wants one or the other. Baby Girl is quickly becoming a little person!

Video Clip of Baby Girl waving Bye Bye.

Video Clip of Chloe clapping on demand.

Baby Girl at thirty nine weeks with her doll.

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